Dear Families
Welcome to the Hatchside School website.
Hatchside School is part of the Astrum Multi Academy Trust (AMAT). Hatchside School opened in April 2021, we are catering for children with the following special educational needs and disabilities (SEND):
Hatchside School caters for children aged 2-7 years old with complex needs. When at full capacity in 2023/24, the School will cater for 64 children across EYFS and KS1. Within this there will 16 full time Assessment places commissioned by Redbridge Local Authority. The School will include an “assessment” provision for children whose needs require further assessment prior to a permanent placement being made either in the school or another provision.
Hatchside school places a great emphasis on working with families and communication with families is at the centre of all we do with children. We know working closely with families is a key way in supporting our children to make progress. We will communicate with you daily via our home school communication books, weekly via Parent Hub (our online platform), so that you can view the class activities and monthly newsletters. We host half-termly coffee mornings, which is a great community event where families have the opportunity to talk to each other and we often have different professionals in to support families with strategies to support their children’s progress at home.
We will proactively seek your feedback on how we can work together. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Hatchside School is a learning community for us all and we look forward to working in partnership with all our families.
Warmest Wishes
Julian Matthews
School Principal
Please click the below link for access to our Admissions Policy